design document

Learning goals: teach the students about solving equalities and inequalities

  1. Solving linear equalities with one variable
    1. 1.1 variable on one side
      1. 1.1.1: Only one step equation (i.e.x+1=2) 
      2. 1.1.2: add two step equations (i.e. 3x+2=5)
    2. 1.2 variable on both side
      1. 1.2.1: three step equation (i.e. x+1=2x)
      2. 1.2.2: add in four step equation (i.e. x+1=2x-1)
    3.  1.3 all kinds linear equalities
      1. To let the player apply the skill they just learned
    4.  Learning Goal:
      1. control of the game
      2. Adding and subtracting numbers and variables on both side to solve equation 
  2. Introduce inequality
    1. move faster than equalities, but move back a bit when sign changes (i.e. > change to <)
    2. Learning goal: Give the player idea that the inequality will flip when multiply both side by negative number
  3. Introduce fractions
    1. Learning goal: have the player learn about the inverse of fractions
  4. Introduce quadratic equations
    1. 3.1 Only quadratic terms (i.e. (2x)^2-1=3x^2)
    2. 3.2 completing the square (i.e. x^2-3x+5=8-x)
    3. Learning Goal: having the player learn about solving quadratic equations
  5. Introduce equation with more than one variables
    1. Learning Goal: having the player learn about simplify equations
  1. Feedback:
    1. The result of each operation will be shown to the player immediately after the operation
    2. The equation will solve itself after reaching the bottom of the page
  2. The player learn the goal and control of the game by a tutorial level
  3. The player get more point when they solve the problem closer to the desired way

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